Dr. Stephen Tyson Jr.


Dr. Tyson's experience in youth development and education includes work in diverse communities around the globe, providing leadership and mentoring in various school districts, summer camps, and college access programs.

“As an educator, I have a strong passion for youth development with over 20+ years of experience in the field.”

He also teaches about he history of Hip Hop culture and its role in international peacebuilding efforts at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

“Hip Hop helped me find myself, and I seek to teach others about its history and impact in hopes it can do the same for you.”

– Dr. Stephen Tyson Jr.


Dr. Tyson’s experience and leadership in community work, education, and youth development includes:
- City Year Inc.
- Harlem Children’s Zone
- Philadelphia Futures
- Urban Affairs Coalition
- Black Male Development Symposium

He has also been actively involved as a volunteer with The Hip Hop Museum, 100 Black Men of America Inc., and The Peace Center of Langhorne and is a founding member of IMPACT at Franklin & Marshall College.